

2023年度建筑制图奖获奖作品在伦敦Sir John Soane博物馆展出

2024-02-01 1130

建筑制图奖到今年已是第七届,它将继续通过手绘、数字和混合三个类别来弘扬绘画艺术。该奖由Iris陶瓷集团赞助,吸引了来自世界各地的近 250 幅绘画作品,参赛作品数量创下历史新高。与往年一样,这些作品大部分属于手绘类。 参赛者所使用的新技术以及描绘建筑和空间的新方法的复杂性,引发了评委会对建筑绘图的性质和定义的深入讨论。评委们还就概念绘画与插图或建筑记录的区别展开了热烈讨论。

Currently in its 7th year, The Architecture Drawing Prize continues to celebrate the art of drawing in three categories: hand-drawn, digital and hybrid. Sponsored by Iris Ceramica Group, the Prize has attracted a record number of entries with nearly 250 drawings from around the world. As in previous years, the majority of these are in the hand-drawn category.  The sophistication of new technologies used by entrants and new ways of depicting buildings and spaces led to probing discussions amongst the jury about the nature and definition of architectural drawing. There was also welcome debate about what constitutes conceptual drawing as opposed to illustration or the recording of buildings.


——ederica Minozzi, Iris陶瓷集团CEO和竞赛评审

“We are really honoured to sponsor the Award. The Architecture Drawing Prize is a brilliant opportunity to demonstrate the genius of people and the desire to experiment. Hence the importance of it: it assumes a prominent role in reflecting architectural creativity.”

-ederica Minozzi, CEO of Iris Ceramica Group and Prize Judge

获奖作品将在新加坡世界建筑节(2023 年 11 月 29 日至 12 月 1 日)上展出。伦敦Sir John Soane博物馆将于 2024 年 1 月 31 日至 3 月 3 日展出获奖作品和入围作品。 Sir John Soane博物馆将于格林尼治标准时间 1 月 29 日下午 5 点举办网络研讨会,届时将公布建筑绘画奖的总冠军得主。详情请访问the Soane website。

The winning drawings will be displayed at the World Architecture Festival in Singapore (29 November – 1 December, 2023). Sir John Soane’s Museum in London will exhibit both the winning and shortlisted drawings from 31 January to 3 March, 2024.  The Overall Winner of The Architecture Drawing Prize will be announced ahead of the exhibition as part of a webinar hosted by Sir John Soane’s Museum on January 29th at 5pm GMT. Details will be available via the Soane website.

The hand-drawn category shortlist also included:

The Glasgow School of Art Fire (triptych) by Alan Dunlop
Trees and rocks, the shapeshifter by Alexander Warncke
Stephen Walbrook by Luka Pajovic

The digital category shortlist also included:

The Bucolic Palimpsest by Ziad Haddad
Transcultural Journey on the Orient Express by Chi Wai Vincent
Gall-E: Interpolating Arts, Space and Display in the Age of AI by Tom Chan

The hybrid category shortlist also included:

Liverpool Capriccio 2200 C.E. by Tim Wheeler
The Urban Anthro-Scape: Above by Alexander Jeong





The Archatographic Map of the Incomplete Landscape on Pedra Branca
Eugene Tan(新加坡)
Size: 54×54 cm

Eugene Tan 被选为 2023 年数字类获奖者。他的绘画作品 “白礁岛上不完整景观的建筑地图 “探讨了地球的脆弱性,尤其是新加坡的脆弱性。

Eugene Tan was selected as the 2023 digital category winner. His drawing ‘The Archatographic Map of the Incomplete Landscape on Pedra Branca’ explores the vulnerability of our planet, more specifically in Singapore.


——艺术家 Ben Langlands and Nikki Bell, The Architecture Drawing Prize评审

“This beautiful, skilful and complex drawing expands the usual range of representational possibilities offered by maps. Through this drawing, Pedra Branca, a tiny outlying island of the archipelago becomes a signifier for the limited land supply of Singapore, and its fragile ecology within the complex geo-political environment of the South China Sea.”

-Artists Ben Langlands and Nikki Bell, who have been on The Architecture Drawing Prize as judges since its inception in 2017



Ben Johnson(丹麦)
Size: 54 x 80cm

2023年的手绘类获奖者作品是Ben Johnson的‘Grundtvig’。这幅墨水作品的灵感来源是建于1920年代的哥本哈根Grundtvig大教堂,这座教堂耗费了600万块砖块建造而成。

The 2023 winner of the hand-drawn category is ‘Grundtvig’ by Ben Johnson. The ink drawing is inspired by the 1920s Grundtvig Church in Copenhagen made using six million bricks.

“作为评审,我们深受Ben Johnson作品的启发,他用手绘建筑的方式创造了一种引人注目的艺术形式。Grundtvig教堂图纸的绘制是如此有序和精确,以至于它成为Ben如何体验建筑的一种有意义的表达方式。

——Ken Shuttleworth, Make Architects创始人,The Architecture Drawing Prize创始人

“As a jury we are inspired by Ben Johnson’s work and the way he has created a compelling art form from hand-drawings of buildings. The execution of the Grundtvig Church drawing is so controlled and precise that it becomes a meaningful expression of how Ben experiences architecture.”

-Ken Shuttleworth, founder of Make Architects who originally set up The Architecture Drawing Prize




(Re)membering the See Monster
(Overall winner of The Architecture Drawing Prize)
Eldry John Infante(英国)
Size: 860mm x 1750mm

2023 年混合组获奖作品是 Eldry John Infante 的”(Re)membering the See Monster”。该作品描绘了一个废弃石油平台的转变过程,并欢迎超越结构实体的讨论。

The 2023 hybrid category winner is ‘(Re)membering the See Monster’ by Eldry John Infante. It renders the transformation of a defunct oil platform and welcomes discussions that go beyond a structure’s physicality.


-Louise Stewart, Sir John Soane博物馆展览部主任兼奖项评委

“We were impressed by this skilful and detailed drawing which has been digitally manipulated to create a very dynamic and varied composition. One of the drawing’s particular strengths is the way in which it uses a variety of visual languages, all of which convey information about how buildings work.”

-Head of Exhibitions at Sir John Soane’s Museum and Prize Judge, Louise Stewart




Alan Dunlop – The Glasgow School of Art Fire (triptych)

Alexander Warncke – Trees and rocks, the shapeshifter

《Stephen Walbrook》
Luka Pajovic – Stephen Walbrook



Ziad Haddad – The Bucolic Palimpsest

Chi Wai Vincent – Transcultural Journey on the Orient Express

Tom Chan- Gall-E: Interpolating Arts, Space and Display in the Age of AI



《公元前 2200 年利物浦随想曲》
Tim Wheeler-Liverpool Capriccio 2200 C.E.

《城市人类景观 上》
Alexander Jeong- The Urban Anthro-Scape: Above

The Architecture Drawing Prize judges for 2023 are:

Nikki Bell and Ben Langlands, Artists
Pablo Bronstein, Artist
Paul Finch, Director of World Architecture Festival (Chair of Jury)
Lily Jencks, Co-founder of Lily Jencks Studio, Jencks Squared
Federica Minozzi, CEO of Iris Ceramica Group
Narinder Sagoo, Senior Partner at Foster + Partners
Ken Shuttleworth, Founder of Make Architects
Louise Stewart, Head of Exhibitions at Sir John Soane’s Museum 

建筑绘画奖由 Make Architects、Sir John Soane’s Museum和世界建筑节(WAF)共同策划。2023 年的赞助商为 Iris 陶瓷集团,ArchDaily 和 Floornature 为该奖项的媒体合作伙伴。

The Architecture Drawing Prize is co-curated by Make Architects, Sir John Soane’s Museum and World Architecture Festival (WAF). The 2023 sponsor is Iris Ceramica Group with ArchDaily and Floornature as Prize media partners.




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